Monday, July 12, 2010

Peter Piper finished the peppers late last night and here is the finished project! For some reason my family thinks this just "Happens"! If that were true, I wouldn't be so tired today. Now to start on the Jalapeno's.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Today Farmer Ron and Spencer went to work in Mt. Grove again and left me to tend the garden. (Probably a big mistake!!) Ron is still not feeling well and his blood pressure is still way out of control even with the changes in his medication. Hopefully this problem will be fixed soon. It is so sad to watch such a strong man feel so bad. It is such a blessing to have Spencer here right now. He is a great help and really watches out for his Papa.
After they left I went right out and started rototilling without the aid of a rototiller again! While I was digging I found another hill of beautiful red potatoes that we had missed. What a bonus! I planted more green beans and cucumbers today, then picked all the peppers. I'm not sure what a "peck of peppers" is but am pretty sure this is more! Now for the fun of canning them all. Off to the kitchen to begin!

Friday, July 9, 2010

I think Spencer is probably wondering why he came here by now! He has shoveled 2 trailer loads of compost and has another one waiting for him! We are trying to build up our terrible soil behind the shop where the corn is growing. We also have watermelons, cantalope, acorn squash, okra, green beans, and sweet potatoes growing back there.

A bountiful harvest!

I've never had fresh potatoes right from the garden! Sure didn't know what I was missing! What a treat. They taste completely different. Next year we will have to plant more. I'm sure that will make Farmer Ron happy to hear! I just hope we will be able to store them successfully. We were able to get them in the ground early enough to beat the bugs so we didn't have to fight them off the whole growing season. YEAH :)


We ate our first corn from the garden this week. Boy was it good! Can't wait to have some more.

We had a broken water pipe going out to the back garden. Eric came and he and Spencer were able to dig it up and we will be able to water again. However, God did it for us this time! We've had rain on and off for 24 hours. What a blessing.

There are literally hundreds of peppers ready to pick. Guess I will be busy canning for awhile.

We are really enjoying the potatoes, squash and cucumbers. Nothing better than fresh veggies from the garden.